Process Engineering & Design
Sepak Industries have been involved in Food Processing design and development for many years. The Sepak Industries team have gained experience through their heavy investments in Research and Development (R&D) and working alongside our clients. They have developed the following systems over the years which can be of benefit to our new clients future prospects; (links to info relating to product)
- Pickle Blanching system with stainless steel screw conveyors and flat belt weighing conveyors
- Onion washer
- Bottle jar wash system
- Milk pasteurisers to Australian Standard 3993 as required by Food Authority Australia
- Milk Processing systems
- Milk Batch Pasteurisers according to Food Authority Australia
- Juice pasteuriser
- Red Wine Jus Production systems
- Cook chill systems
- Cooking kettles
- Electric Steam Cooking Kettle
- Automation systems
- Bottle pasteurisers
- Food processing vessel interior drying system
- Flour Fermentation system
- CIP Clean In Place systems
- Sous vide cooking systems
- Powder mixing systems
- Counter Rotating systems
- Mixed Proof Valves - Cross Contamination Prevention
- Choosing a food grade Stainless Steel Pump
Sepak Industries also provide pipe work design and installation for Food grade piping according to Australian Standards.